Registrations Open for CUET | CLAT | IPMAT 2025 and 2026

ILS Law College, Pune

Course: BA LLB


From 2016, admission to ILS, Pune’s LLB course has been changed from Merit based to Entrance Based. First CET was held on 22nd May 2016. Admissions will be through Online Common Entrance Test (CET) to be conducted on 20th May 2017.

The Primary Requisite for admission in the Five Year Law Course will be the CET score. Minimum CET score required by students in the open category for admission is 50 out of 150 marks.

Total seats available : 240


  1. Total Marks: 150

  2. Number of Multiple Choice Questions: 150

  3. Duration of Examination: 2 hours

  4. No Negative Marking

CET Subjects:

CET Subjects:

1 Legal Reasoning 40
2 General Knowledge including Current Affairs 30
3 Logical Reasoning 40
4 English 30
4 Basic Mathematics 10
Total 150


  1. Legal Aptitude - This subject will test the interest of candidates towards the subject of law, research aptitude and problem solving ability. Questions will be the help of legal propositions and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be true in the real sense, candidates will have to assume truth of these propositions and answer the questions drawing well-supported conclusions.

  2. General Knowledge with Current Affairs - The topics such as History (Ancient, Medieval and Modern Period), Geography, Civics, General Science, Economics, Current Affairs of the past one year. The subject is to assess the knowledge of the recent happening and awareness of the world.

  3. Logical and Analytical Reasoning -

    1. Logical Reasoning - The subject is to test the candidate’s ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include a wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, completing arguments, drawing well supported conclusions, reasoning by analogy, applying principles or rules.

    2. Analytical Reasoning - The subject is to measure the ability of students to understand the structure of relationship and to draw logical conclusions about the structures. It includes reasoning deductively from a set of statements and rules or principles that describes the relationship among persons, things or events.

  4. English - Vocabulary (synonyms, antonyms, analogies etc.) proficiency (idioms and phrases, one word substitution, sentence rearrangement, fill in the blanks etc.) English usages errors (common errors)

  5. Basic Mathematics - This section is to test the numerical ability of candidates. The mathematics question will be set from the 10th level, of various topics including Profit and Loss, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Algebra, Average, Venn Diagram.


First Year of B.A. LL.B.

a) Ist Semester (June / October) b) IInd Semester (November / April)
1) General English - I 1) General English - II
2) History - I 2) Political Science - I
3) Economics 3) Sociology

Second Year of B.A. LL.B.

a) IIIrd Semester (June / October) b) IVth Semester (November / April)
1) Contract - I 1) Contract - II
2) Political Science -II 2) History - II
3) Political Science -III 3) Legal Language

Third Year of B.A. LL.B.

a) Vth Semester (June/October) b) VIth Semester (November / April)
1) Family Law I 1) Family Law - II
2) Labour Law 2) Professional Ethics
3) Law of Crimes 3) Constitutional Law
4) Optional Papers (Any one) 4) Law of Tort and Consumer Protection Act
a) Trust Equity & Fiduciary Relationship
b) Criminology & Penology
c) Women and Law and Law relating to the Child
d) International Economic Law

Fourth Year of B.A. LL.B.

a) VIIth Semester (June / October) b) VIIIth Semester (November / April)
1) Law of Evidence 1) Property Law including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act
2) Environmental Law including Laws for Protection of Wild Life and Other Living Creature including Animal Welfare 2) Jurisprudence
3) Human Rights and International Laws 3) Legal Aid
4) Arbitation, Concillation and Alternative Disputes Resolution Systems 4) Optional Papers (Any one)
a) Comparative Law
b) Insurance Law
c) Conflict of Law
d) Intellectual Property Law

Fifth Year of B.A. LL.B.

a) IXth Semester (June / October) b) Xth Semester (November / April)
1) Civil Procedure Code (CPC) 1) Code of Criminal Procedure
2) Land Laws including ceiling and other local laws 2) Company Law
3) Interpretation of Statutes 3) Practical Training - Moot Courts
4) Administrative Law 4) Optional Papers (Any One)
5) Practical Training Drafting, Pleading a) Taxation
b) Banking Law
c) Investment & Securities
d) Co-operative Law

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